What: “Christian Ladies Yoga Night Out!”
You are invited for a special night of yoga, for Christian ladies to get together for sister-fellowship and to honor the body, mind and spirit God blessed each of us with.
Too often, we take care of everything and everyone else and leave very little time to slow down and even acknowledge our amazing bodies, minds and spirits, much less take care of them. It takes effort and determination to set aside time for you and God. It is essential for your best life.
I am providing you with an evening to come together with other Christian ladies with no other responsibilities except to just show up for yourself to have some “you time”, some “God time” and some “sister time”. How does that sound?
We will begin the evening with some gentle stretches and breathing exercises to help you get fully present with yourself and God. Do you ever catch yourself holding your breath? Maybe you are focused or tense about something and you end up holding your breath and probably tightening your shoulders and upper back up around your neck. These stretches and breathing exercises will help you begin to relax and start letting go of all the stuff from the earlier part of your day or anything coming up in the next few days. Your body will start to relax and your mind will start to let go of all the things it continually reminds you of. You get to focus on the present moment and enjoy it!
Then, we’ll do some yoga poses that are excellent to stretch your muscles, relax your nervous system, build up strength and balance, and help move and process toxic goop (physical and emotional) out of your body. As you breathe and explore these poses, your body and mind will relax more. You will hopefully begin to feel that stillness and quietness that God speaks of in Psalm 46:10, when He says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” We can’t really know God without stillness. When we hustle and bustle around in constant busyness, we cannot really know God and connect with Him. What a shame that is. And the cool thing is that simple yoga moves help you be calm and connect!
When I started doing yoga, I noticed that I started praying while I was in poses – and not just the prayers of “Help me not to fall down.”

I prayed for strength and wisdom. I prayed for peace that I needed in some situations. I prayed for courage as I moved through this life. I prayed to be the best steward of all God created me for and blessed me with. So, during our time together,
I will guide you in prayers while you are in the yoga poses. This was an amazing
awakening and shift for me in my
spiritual life and it can be for you too.
We will also do some Bible-based meditations. So many studies are now showing how excellent meditation is for our physical health as well as our mental health. And the cool part is, meditation really isn’t all that complicated. I’ll teach you simple meditations that will help you understand how to meditate and also help you connect with God and let the Word of God dwell in you. Guiding your mind to focus on one thing relaxes all the mind-chatter you usually experience. What a difference this can make in your daily life with a bit of practice!
We will also, have a simple prayer circle. Don’t worry, it’s nothing “weird.” It is just a time to sit together and pray for one another, for others, for this world we live in, for anything or anyone who needs to be lifted up. It is a profound practice – and one I think we should do more often with each other, in families, with friends and in churches.
We will end the evening with everyone’s favorite – a 15-minute guided relaxation. You’ll lie down and relax as I take you through the process of fully relaxing your body and letting your mind follow some pleasant thoughts. It is a time to completely let go – and you may be surprised at just how much you can relax when given the time and opportunity. You will love this!
So, that’s the plan. How does that sound to you? I hope it sounds like a blessing to you. That’s what I intend for it to be. I am praying that every woman who needs to be blessed by this experience will come. I will do my part to make this time a blessing for you. You know God will do His part “exceedingly, abundantly above all we could think or ask” – Ephesians 3:20. You need to do your part by setting the time aside, registering and showing up. Please don’t neglect yourself. You will be glad you came. I promise.
Even if you are not a Christian, but this sounds good to you, please come. You are absolutely welcome!
Here are your details:
What: “Christian Ladies Yoga Night Out!”
What To Bring: Bring a yoga mat if you have one, otherwise, you can borrow one of mine.
How To Register: Email cheri@yogaforreal.com or call me at 502-641-2296